
Friday, July 6, 2012

Books We Love: Toddler Crowd Pleasers #1

Time for another collection of books we are reading and loving! Things are a bit more varied this week, but this crowd is sure to please kiddos big and small!

Where's Walrus? by Stephen Savage

This wordless picture book is a laugh riot!  Mischievous Walrus escapes from the zoo and sends the zookeeper on a wild goose (walrus?) chase all over town. He hides out in some pretty inconspicuous (and slightly more conspicuous) places until the zookeeper discovers that Walrus has a special talent he wants to share with the world! L adores searching for Walrus in each brilliant spread and is delighted every single time she finds him! Literary genius.

Oh No, George! by Chris Haughton

"What will George do?"  This repeated refrain, followed by the equally thrilling line, "Oh no, George!" makes this tale of a dog with self-control challenges a fun and engaging story for young listeners. George is a good old sport, though not always quick to make good choices. Older kids will relate to his struggles to turn from temptation and do the right thing. L is in L-O-V-E with George, but luckily it's so much fun that her dad and I don't even mind reading it over and over again.

Dot by Patricia Intriago

Dot is a lot of things, but one thing it's not is dull! L only recently learned to identify circles, so this book is a big hit with her. Visually simple, this little gem is sort of a feast for the eyes, as it really challenges readers to look at that simple dot in many new lights. It is also equipped with a host of illustrations depicting opposites, so it's a great introduction to that concept as well.

Potato Joe by Keith Baker

What's not to love about a spunky little spud and all his spunky friends? This story of a rollicking bunch of potatoes is a joy to read and share with one kiddo or a whole group. I shared this one with my class of toddlers and the resounding call of laughter echoed through the room with every turn of the page. I personally love the illustrations, which are so hilarious and sweet you just can't help yourself when the kids scream, "Again!"

I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean by Kevin Sherry

The giant blue squid who stars in this book is convinced he's the biggest thing in the ocean...and will tell you all about it, whether you asked or not! Bright illustrations and a hilarious twist ending make this book a crowd pleaser over and over. L cannot help herself when we pull out this book; she begins laughing before we even start to read! This squid is larger than life and even bigger than the bar code on the back of this book!


  1. Thanks for sharing this book list! I've not heard or seen any of these; there are just SO many children's books out there nowadays... Definitely checking my library for some of these!

    Stopping by from Sharing Saturday!

  2. My kiddos love Potato Joe too! They pretty much memorized it.

  3. All new finds to us too - heading over to Amazon to check some out!

    Thanks for linking up to the Sunday Showcase - hope to see you there again next week!


  4. What a great list. We will have to check some out. I pinned it to my children's book board. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!
