
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Farmer's Market Frolics

Despite the blazing hot weather we've had of late, I still try to get L out and about in our neighborhood. I also, of course, try to find things that we can do early in the morning, to try to avoid as much of said blazing hot weather as possible. Enter: our community farmer's market. 

I was trying to think of a way to make our trip a little more meaningful, so I created a little visual discrimination game for L to take along with her to the market.

I made picture cards with photographs I found on the Internet of various fruits and veggies I was sure we'd see at the market.  I covered them in contact paper and bound them together into a little book.

I'm always in favor of a good visual discrimination activity (for another simple visual discrimination game, click here) and I also love activities that make L think and give her the opportunity to use her emerging language skills.  This little scavenger hunt gave her the chance to practice all of these skills while exposing her to an awesome experience within our community.

Over breakfast in the morning, L flipped through her new book, and we talked about some of the things we might see at the farmer's market.  After that, we were ready to head out and see what we could find!

We quickly found nearly everything in our book, plus lots of other surprises! L had a magnificent time exploring the market and discovering all kinds of yummy things to eat and meeting loads of friendly people from our area.

By the end of our trip, we were all nice and sweaty, and L was positively glowing with blackberry juice!  She even met a friendly dog, which was certainly the highlight of our outing! Bonus: we found every single item in our book! It was such a fun day!


  1. What a fun way to make the farmer's market engaging for your little one and to encourage healthy eating.

  2. very sweet - thanks for visiting with Kids in the Kitchen

  3. What a fantastic Farmer's Market activity for littles!

    Thank you for sharing with Learning Laboratory at Mama Smiles =)

  4. That is a great idea. Your picture book is beautiful. I would love to try that when our four 20-month old toddlers get a little bit older. Thank you for linking to Artsy Play Wednesday on Capri + 3. I hope to see your great ideas each week.

    : 0 ) Theresa

  5. What a perfect activity for the farmer's market. We love scavenger hunts, so I'm sure my son would have fun with this, too!

    Thanks for sharing at the Sunday Showcase. I'm pinning this to our feature board. :)

  6. Awww I LOVE her little picture book, that is so cute and a great idea (could even work in a grocery store too). Thanks for sharing on Hey Mom, Look What I Did at Adventures In Mommy Land!! Hope to see you again soon :)

  7. This is a great idea! I love it. What a smart way to teach you kiddies, (and keep them busy) while you're shopping! Must do!

  8. That sounds like a great outing! I love the opportunity to link the community to what children are enjoying and learning about. Thanks for linking up to Flashback Friday Blogshare!
