
Monday, July 16, 2012

Playroom Rhythm: Tempera & Sheet

Whew, what a week! L's grandma came to visit this past week, which meant one thing: our household was busy, busy, busy! It's always fun when family comes to stay, but this past week was particularly fun and hectic because we spent the better part of the week converting our attached garage into a playroom for L. It was a lot of work, but totally worth it for L to have her own space to play and for me to reclaim at least a little bit of my living room!

The final product looks fantastic, but as it is a garage, we decided we needed to do something about that pesky (and not so cute) garage door. My mom had the genius idea to let L paint a sheet that could then be hung up to block the view of the garage door. Swell idea, and it made for an awesome afternoon of messy fun!

We laid out a plain white sheet in the yard and some pie tins filled with tempera paint. L got right to work!

Of course, after a few tries sticking her hands into the pie tins, clever L discovered a much more effective method for paint distribution:

And as per her usual, it just wouldn't be a proper painting activity without experimenting with a little body art:

The creativity went on and on! It was so much fun to listen to L talk to herself about what she was doing and comment on all the different colors. Her dad and I just couldn't help ourselves...we had to join in the messy fun too!  Of course, even the great artists sometimes need a rest:

Eventually, L decided her masterpiece was complete. She raised her hands in creative victory!

L did grace me with enough patience to sit still long enough to take a photo of our very painty feet:

Finally, the fun came to an end and we had a marvelous new work of art to hang in the new playroom.  I joked that we should change our name to Pollock, and that's when the husband came up with the very clever name for our family masterpiece - Playroom Rhythm. So much fun! We shimmied L straight up to the bath tub and frankly that grungy orange bath water was just as lovely as the sheet!


  1. this activity is fantastic! I absolutely love the photos of your daughter covered in paint--She is a work of art in of herself. You may want to add some of the photos of her taken during the process framed to the new playroom as an 'artist's profile.' Toddlers everywhere would love to try this. I imagine our four toddlers would add painting each other to the activity. Thank you for sharing this wonderful activity and fun photos on Artsy Play Wednesday on Capri + 3.

    : 0 ) Theresa

  2. What a great activity!! Thank you for sharing at Happy Family Times!!

  3. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm lay just like that pumpkin, let me take your diaper off and rub your little pussy
