


My name is Christie and I am an early childhood educator and mommy to a bright and feisty toddler daughter. During my years in the field, I've worked with  kids from infanthood to Kindergarten. Every age group is my favorite, each for its own special reasons.

I currently teach a classroom full of toddlers, in addition to having a toddler of my own. You can imagine what an active and busy life I lead! I'm constantly looking for ways to enrich the play experiences of the kids in my life, because let's face it - KIDS LEARN THROUGH PLAY.  After the third person said, "You should start a blog," I let it go to my head and decided to go for it. I hope you find some inspiration here, or at the very least, a useful resource or two.

I've recently become addicted to Pinterest - seriously, I need a Pintervention! - and go there often for inspiration. Please feel free to pin away! You can also find me on Twitter @PlayThruTheDay and on Facebook. I look forward to communicating with you!

Now, let's get down to the business of play, shall we?

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