
Friday, June 22, 2012

Books We Love: The Dog Book Round-Up

We are a family of book lovers and dog lovers in equal measure, so for this edition of Books We Love, we offer you this very fetching collection of books about our fine furry friends.

A Ball for Daisy by Chris Raschka

A wordless picture book in which Daisy the dog displays her love and devotion
for her bouncy red ball, this is a marvelous title for even the youngest of
readers and listeners.

Puppies! Puppies! Puppies! by Susan Meyers & David Walker

Rhyming verse and some of the most endearing illustrations you'll ever find
make this little gem a hit with the younger set. For quite a stretch there, L
was requesting this one roughly ten times a day.

Please Take Me for a Walk by Susan Gal

Sweet sentiment and inviting illustrations implore you to take this excitable puppy for a walk around a very busy neighborhood with lots to see and do. The sheer number of playful pooches in this book will have your little dog lover begging for more!

Doggies by Sandra Boynton

Boynton lends her characteristic genius to this counting book full of dogs doing what they do best - barking! Little ones will love to bark right along!

Go, Dog. Go! by P.D. Eastman

A classic for the ages, this title will spin around and around in your head even after you've closed the cover.  And around and around. And around some more. Did I mention I've read this one a time or two?


  1. Oh I LOVE seeing recommendations for new (to me) books!! I've read a couple of those... but I will have to check the others out from our library. Thanks for linking up to TGIF!!

    If you have a moment I'd love your vote in Circle of Moms Top 25 Homeschooling blogs ( - Thanks!!

  2. I love a good book and puppies, great round up! I am featuring it tonight at my party!

