
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Quick & Easy Visual Discrimination Cards

Visual discrimination is a child's ability to identify differences in visual images, and it is imperative to learning to read, write, and do just about anything across the curriculum.  A great way to help youngsters practice this important skill is by encouraging them to find matching images within a group of similar images.  Inspired by an idea I found at (you can see the original post here), I made two sets of visual discrimination cards (quite the catchy name, eh?) for L and I to play with.

First I took a sheet of sturdy card stock and cut it in half. Each of these halves would be the large card for each game.  Then I quartered a second sheet of card stock to serve as my smaller card.

I made a set of three smaller cards to go with each larger card. I put only three or four stickers on each of the smaller cards.  The idea is to point to one of the stickers on the smaller card, then encourage L to find the same sticker on the bigger card.  Limiting the number of stickers on the smaller cards makes it more likely that L will be successful in finding the match on the bigger card without frustration.

I covered all of the cards with contact paper, just for the sheer hope that this will help them last a while.  For our purposes, this will be an adult-led activity, but for older kids this could easily be done independently and is still a great way to practice visual discrimination.

This entire process took me a little over half an hour and will be an excellent addition to our busy bags. I also plan to make a set using pictures of our family!


  1. Love the idea of doing this with family photos. As always love the ideas, keep them coming!!!

    1. Thanks for your support and enthusiasm! Very much appreciated!

  2. Great idea! I need to make these.

  3. Another great idea! We would love to invite you to also link this up to the Summer Activities for Toddlers Collection! Here's a quick link:
    Thanks again for all your ideas! :)

  4. This is a great idea to use the millions of stickers I have laying around! Thanks for linking up at the Kid's Co-op :)

  5. Great idea!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!
