
Friday, July 27, 2012

Books We Love: Duck Sock Hop

Of all the many animals L adores, ducks are pretty high on the list so I was absolutely thrilled to find this little treat from Jane Kohuth and Jane Porter.  Bright, beautiful illustrations move through silly rhyming text that kids will just love. L is especially happy when the ducks get Band-Aids and snacks (two of her favorite things) and I personally find the multicolored ducks just darling. Little ones are sure to request this one again and again, so hold on to your socks and wiggle right in!

Ducks pull socks from a big sock box:
Socks with stripes and socks with spots,
socks with square and socks with dots.
Socks with stars and socks with moons,
socks with cars and socks with spoons.

Prepare yourself for the very real possibility of reading this one a dozen times at least! Of course, you can always take a break and do a little sock hopping of your own!

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