
Thursday, August 9, 2012

10 Reasons Public Libraries ROCK!

The first thing I do when I move to a new area? Find the public library, of course! Ahead of even finding the grocery store or nearest gas station, I scope out the locale of the public library. Why? Because public libraries ROCK! Let me tell you all about it!

1. They're free. Or virtually free. Mine generally costs me a few bucks a month in late fees and the like, but if you're even slightly more responsible than me in this area, they are free. FREE!

2. They are a wealth of resources: books, newspapers, magazines, reference materials, music, movies, children's materials, even Internet access.  All right there at your fingertips.

3. They pretty much have any book you could possibly want. Even ones that are (sadly) no longer in print.

4. They contribute to the local community in so many ways: children's programming, book clubs, readers' circle, various other interest clubs, you name it. Libraries bring people together.

5. Even when you owe them money, they are still nice to you.

6. They encourage kids to become readers. Having a personal library card does wonders for getting a reluctant reader to check out some books. Literally and figuratively.

7. They bring in authors and other great speakers so that you can quietly hyperventilate about seeing your idol (like I do!) or you can learn something new.

8. They are air conditioned in the summer and toasty warm in the winter. (This may seem like a lame one, but when you're in the grueling heat of summer or the frigid chill of winter and you need to get the kids out of the house, the library is your best friend.) While you're in there, you may as well pick up a book or two!

9. They put together great thematic lists and compile book recommendations so that when you finish that excellent novel you're reading, they'll be right there with another title you're likely to enjoy. They also make magic happen when your kids are stuck on one subject (be it trains, dinosaurs, the ballet, what have you). They'll help your kids find other titles on subjects that interest them...just in case you need a break from reading Knuffle Bunny for the 712th time.

10. They are filled with people who love books as much as you do! From staffers to other patrons, you can always find someone who will love to talk books with you!

Also, did I mention that they are FREE?!


  1. Funny that you mention it being the first thing you find in a new area, that's exactly what we did when we just moved. My 3 yr old loves having her own library card! I wish we were in a busier area where they had authors and the such though, that would be amazing!

  2. We live about a block away from the library - I volunteer during the toddler time so we are there a minimum of twice a week. I am not sure if it would fit in your list anywhere but our library is a site for the summer free lunch program for kids and they have free ESL classes for adults too.

    1. That is amazing! Several of our local churches do the summer lunch program here, but I love the idea of hosting it at a library. Feed the tummy and feed the soul!

  3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE our library and if we ever move... it's the ONE thing I will totally miss!

  4. Agreed! Our library is rad. Great books, will get them for you. Don't mind a bit about a dad running around trying to catch his kids. One of the things I love in addition to all the things you've already mentioned is audio books. It's great to be able to listen to audio books while I walk to work and they're actually pretty hard to find elsewhere.

    1. Absolutely, Pete! Can't believe I forgot audio books! They are really fantastic. I love listening in the car on long trips - makes travel so much more enjoyable!

  5. We love the library too! Thanks for this post that reminds us all how great public libraries are!

  6. What a great reminder about the importance and role of public libraries in local communities. I hope that ours will always be there, unlike the local cornershops which seem have almost disappeared from our streetscape. Thank you for sharing this wonderful post with the Weekly Kid's Co-op. I'm Pauline and I blog over at I will feature this post as part of my roundup of this week's linky party and also pin a picture from your post onto our very popular Weekly Kids' Co-op Pinterest board :).

  7. I really like this post! We enjoy our public library several times a week, and I promote visiting the library often on my blog. I shared this on my Facebook page.

  8. I completely agree! I love going to the library. Fortunately my town had 13 different libraries around the county that you can return any book from any other library to.

    Thanks so much for linking this up to our weekend Wonders party. Hope to see you back on Thursday :)

  9. I love libraries too! My first job was re-shelving books in the library and I totally got made fun of in High School for that. =) Now, I live outside of the city limits, so our library card isn't free. But, it's still worth it to me to buy one every year and I take my kids all the time. I did have to explain to my very disappointed 8 year old that she couldn't have her own card, though. I only could afford one. =(

  10. Great post! I ALWAYS go to the library first when I move anywhere. My last location wouldn't give me a card b/c I didn't know two local people to use as a reference. I was so distraught! I just moved last week to a new town, though, and got a library card. All is well with the world again!
