
Monday, August 27, 2012

Small Moments

Whew! It was a CRAZY busy week in our house this past week! The new semester is underway at the college where I work, which meant time to get back in the swing of things for L and me.  I'm back to teaching a full class of toddlers, and L is back to having a full load of friends in her own classroom. Things will settle down eventually, I'm sure, as we get back into our fall routine.

In the meantime, I feel it's so important to connect with my family in the midst of all the craziness. Yesterday, the entire family (dad included!) took a break and had a group pedicure. Cute, right? It never ceases to amaze me how wonderful it feels to slow down for a minute and just enjoy those small moments that make life so delightful. Plus, it was a hoot to watch the hubs get complimented on his purple toes yesterday morning at church!

What do you do to stay connected with your family in the midst of life's craziness?

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