
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Cardboard Tube Painting

I love presenting L with art activities that employ materials not traditionally used for creative purposes. I do this because I hope to instill in her a love of creativity and seeing things beyond what they are. As a preschool teacher, I generally never throw away an empty cardboard tube - be it from toilet paper, paper towels, cling wrap, what have you - so I decided to use one with L for a painting activity. So easy! We simply dipped the end of the tube in the paint and let the creative sparks fly!

This activity was great in the sense that we got to play with messy paint, but L also really enjoyed thwacking the cardboard tube onto the paper. Very satisfying from both standpoints!

We now have some pretty fantastic art hanging in our playroom, all because of a simple cardboard tube. What unconventional art tools have you tried with your kiddos?


  1. Simple ideas are often the best, great idea!

  2. such a great idea!!! i think i'll try that with my 4 and 2 year olds this week!!!

    stopping by from {Monday Mom Musings}

    - Jill @

  3. That look on her face says it all!

  4. I've wanted to do this one for a while but t keeps falling to the way-side. Thanks for the reminder - and the illustration of how much fun it is going to be!

  5. i had to giggle at your first few sentences... the true sign of a preschool teacher is that they have a closet full of toilet paper rolls, isn't it! lol thanks for linking this up to tip-toe thru tuesday!

    1. So true! And I can never let an empty oat meal canister pass me by, either!

  6. Oh, so fun!! What a great activity to inspire. Thank you for sharing at Happy Family Times!

  7. How gorgeous is your little one's happy face as she paints! Turning the ordinary into artistic tools is a great way to help spur creativity. And thanks for sharing at Happy Family Times :-)

  8. This looks so much fun and I have no added it to our fall to do list as we haven't printed with toliet rolls yet. Thank you so much for linking to Tuesday Tots and just to let you know that I'm featuring this as one of my posts this week on Rainy Day Mum
