
Friday, October 12, 2012

{Playing Through Autumn Day 22} Books We Love: Halloween Round-Up Part 1

With Halloween rapidly approaching, it's only fitting that this edition of Books We Love be devoted to all of the wonderful picture books surrounding the holiday. L has become OBSESSED with all things Halloween in the past few days, and of course books are no exception! Here are just a few of the titles we've been voraciously devouring this week - I'm betting they'll make your little ones howl too!

Room on the Broom
Written by Julia Donaldson 
Illustrated by Axel Scheffler

Five Little Pumpkins
Illustrated by Iris Van Rynbach

It's Pumpkin Day, Mouse!
Written by Laura Numeroff
Illustrated by Felicia Bond

Pumpkin Eye
Written & Illustrated by Denise Fleming

The Night Before Halloween
Written by Natasha Wing
Illustrated by Cynthia Fisher

We can't get enough of these books! They are silly, not-so-scary, and perfect for little ears! Tune in next week for Part 2 of our Halloween Book Round-Up! Until then, happy reading...and happy haunting!

1 comment:

  1. We have read Happy Pumpkin Day Mouse at least 10 times just today! this would be the perfect addition to the cozy book hop...

